Vegetarian Food – Lazy Vegan makes it easy for you

Vegetarian Food Lazy Vegan makes it easy for you

Give yourself and the planet a break and eat vegetarian. With the easy and tasty meals of Lazy Vegan vegetarian food not only easy, but also very tasty. You store these meals in the freezer, so that the taste is preserved and the food is on tables in eight minutes.

Save the planet from your lazy chair!

Lazy Vegan has the mission to make it easy to eat vegetable. That is why they develop meals that are ready in 8 minutes. The meals are available in 5 flavors: Tikka Masala, Thai Green Curry, Mexican and Provencal are the first four and all contain vegan chicken pieces based on pea protein.

The newest taste: Italian Risotto, has no meat replacement. All meals are free of gluten and soy and contain more than 200 grams of fresh vegetables. You can find these vegetarian meals in the freezerships at the supermarket. This maintains taste and nutrients well.

And so you always have a healthy meal for a busy or lazy day.

Vegetarian food a few times a week

Just like so many I don’t eat meat every day. I never actually eat a meat substitute, but eat a meal with eggs or cheese for example. Often these meals (I choose carbohydrate) are very laborious, partly due to the large amount of vegetables that go in. Now I don’t hate cooking at all.

Yet I also don’t feel like spending hours in the kitchen every day. The vegetarian meals of Lazy Vegan are therefore ideal. These frozen meals can be prepared in the wok in 8 minutes.

So even when you get home after a busy day, you can easily eat healthily vegetarian food.

The flavors of these meals

Together with my husband we ate these vegetarian dishes for lunch, so we could taste this together. The portions were more than enough for two people for lunch and will be more than like a single meal. The dishes are packed with vegetables and because these are freshly frozen, the meals contain a lot of taste.

The vegetarian dishes are well seasoned and have a full tasty taste or are very pleasant (Thai Green Curry).

Meat substitutes of peas protein

Because I never eat meat substitutes myself, I had to get used to the vegan chicken pieces. The taste and structure are of course very different from a piece of chicken. Now this makes sense. The vegetarian chicken pieces are made based on peas protein. I must honestly say that I did not miss the meat substitute in the Italian risotto.

I found all five Lazy Vegan meals very tasty and tasteful. Because they are ready in eight minutes, these are ideal meals for when children exercise, you have had a busy day at work or just don’t feel like cooking, but also just fine every week. After all, you don’t have to cook extensively every day to put something tasty on the table.

Lazy vegan, vegetarian freezer meals Italian risotto with lots of vegetables

Tasteful meals

If you like to eat vegetarian, the meals of Lazy Vegan are ideal. The flavors are very tasty. The meals are quickly prepared and because you keep them in the freezer you always have a healthy meal at home.

Vegetarian food has always been tasty, and now made easy by Lazy Vegan.

Lazy Vegan Meals are available at AH, Jumbo, Marqt, Crisp, Big, Getir and Bfreez for € 4.29 for 400G. The packaging is completely recyclable.